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Customize error page

Pubblicato in Template articles

The Hotel template uses a specific form of the error page - it is displayed like a part of the website, not a separate page - according to the Google SEO recommendations:

The content of this error page can be edited in the layouts/blocks/error_page.php file.

When the error 404 is generated the error.php file is called and it redirects to a custom error page. That's why the custom error page needs a non-existing menu item id - default it is 99999, but you can change it under the template advanced settings:

The custom error page won't display the error details - only the error code and a short note. If you want to get more details about your error, please temporary rename file error.php inside the template directory to i.e. __error.php. Then the standard error page with full informations will be displayed.


Page suffixes

Pubblicato in Template articles

The Hotel template uses few page suffixes which can be configured under the template settings in the Features tab:

The most important page suffixes are following:

  • frontpage - used for generating proper spacing on the frontpage layout
  • error-page - used on the custom error page - added automatically

JavaScript files management

Pubblicato in Template articles

In the Hotel template we have implemented JavaScript files management. Thanks to that functionality you can remove few unnecessary files and make your website loading faster.

In order to disable selected JS files, you have to go to the template settings and under the "JavaScript files settings" you can disable or enable few switchers:

Every switcher is responsible for other script or functionality.

  • MooTools core - disable it if you don't have any script which uses MooTools code.
  • MooTools more - if MooTools core is disabled then this switcher should be also disable - it won't work without MooTools core.
  • jQuery noConflict - this script is unnecessary if you are not using other frameworks or libraries like MooTools
  • bootstrap.min.js - our template doesn't use Bootstrap - if your extensions are not using it, then you can disable this script.
  • modal.js - if the lightbox functionality is not necessary for you, please disable this script. We are not using this feature in our template and the demo content.

Built-in LESS parser

Pubblicato in Uncategorised

The Quark template fully uses LESS language for generating the CSS files of the template. Thanks to the built-in LESS parser you can forget about additional LESS compilers - if you enable the template built in compiler then after every change in the template less files you will get new css files.

The LESS language features are described in the official documentation page.

Please remember that if you decide to modify the *.css files you shouldn't enable the LESS parser - after enabling it you will lose your CSS changes - it will be overwriten by the code based on the not modified *.less files.

The LESS compiler can be enabled under the template advanced settings:

Please remember that the LESS parser should be enabled only while you are editing your LESS files - it needs relatively big amount of server resources and will cause slower page loading time. That's why please remember to disable the LESS compiler after finishing the *.less files modifications.

The LESS files are located under the less directory. Most of the files are loaded inside the main.less file which transform into the template.css file. Thanks to that we have limited amount of the CSS files request while you still have separate files like template.less, gk.stuff.less, k2.less etc.

The most important feature is fact that you can change easily the template colors and font-sizes using one file - variables.less. This file contains a variables with basic colors and font-sizes used inside the template CSS code. By changing one variable i.e. @primary_color, you can change the whole template colors.

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